How It All Started...

The bottom line - we just became sick and tired of using stiff coach boards that were way too small to engage our team. Showing plays to 1 or 2 players at a time while the other kids talked about their last nights Fortnite session wasn't ideal. Don't even get us started on all of the stain marks! I thought dry-erase was supposed to actually erase?

We knew there had to be a better way

Our epiphany came at a hockey tournament in Detroit immediately upon entering our dressing room. Right there in front of us was the "holy grail" - a large rink schematic built into the rubberized flooring. We were amazed at how engaged the team was while going over our game plan. It was just a rubber floor and we were using sticks to illustrate our instructions, but we knew then and there that it was a vast improvement over a clipboard. We were on to something and the idea of Coachmats was born! 

Now the hard part

After 18 months and dozens of prototypes, we finally have a winner. A large and portable, dry erase coaching mat that can be rolled and unrolled, hung up or laid flat, which never stains. The response we've received from the coaching community has been overwhelming. Our mission when we set up was to make other people as passionate and excited about coaching as we are. And that's still our mission today.